French cuisine can hardly be called dietary, but nevertheless, the inhabitants of this country are not particularly obese, and the secret of their slender figures is a feature that allows them to safely eat heavy food, fast food and sweets.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how quickly you get used to small portions, because even the very concept of a small portion is different for everyone, but it is difficult to predict the time it will take to radically change the nutrition system. But do not think that it is impossible to do this, just before you get used to small portions, you need to change your general approach to food, and then proceed to specific actions.

Perhaps the best example of the consumption of small portions can be called the French, it is not for nothing that the cuisine of this particular country is considered a reference in terms of, albeit not quite proper nutrition, but still of a high aesthetic level. The dish in any French restaurant will be small, but its presentation is so perfect that this very fact makes you enjoy every bite for a long time. And this approach needs to be adopted in order to move to small portions, food should not just be a source of energy, it must have an aesthetic appearance, which increases attractiveness.

Another effective way to switch to small portions may be to choose the right dishes, because the same dish will look different on a plate of the same size but different colors. Blue, light blue, and purple colors calm the mind, which means they give signals that energy is not needed as much as usual. The white color is neutral, but too large a plate with a small amount of food on it can increase the feeling of hunger.

But the aggressive red color is exciting, so a person will not be satisfied with just one small portion on a bright red platter, the body will require more energy, because the mood will be combative and eager for action.

Another trick that has long been familiar to those who often go on diets will help to switch to small portions. At first, the subconscious mind will negatively perceive the fact that the volume of food has decreased by two or even three times, so it's worth taking a tricky step, namely, to purchase small dishes. A full plate, even if it is small, will carry only pleasant associations and positively affect the feeling of fullness. And when buying dishes, in addition to color and size, it is also important to pay attention to the material from which it is made, the most "unappetizing" are metal and wood, but they are not suitable for weight loss, because as soon as a person finds himself in a place where glass or porcelain promises, the stomach will give painful cramps make themselves felt, and overeating is guaranteed. That is why it is better to choose the usual glass, porcelain, clay, as for the shape of the dishes, but it has no effect on appetite.

If we talk about switching to small portions, then it is impossible not to mention the physiological features that will help reduce excess weight. People who eat often and little are rarely overweight, but they adhere to this law of nutrition regardless of the day of the week, time of day and the presence of holidays. If you eat a little during the day, but often, and then triple a sumptuous dinner in the evening or even just eat half a bar of chocolate, then there will be no benefit from this.

Interestingly, the concept of a small portion also includes foods in liquid form that are not quite familiar to people who are far from a healthy diet. Smoothies, fresh drinks, and smoothies are also considered food, and the fact that they are not on a plate, but in a glass, should not cause an increase in the portion.

Small portions in the diet are the key to proper digestion, pancreas and liver function, and it is the well-coordinated work of these organs that allows you not to gain extra pounds even if the food is not completely healthy, moreover, you can even eat sweets. Effective fundraising requires products that people actually want and need. By choosing something that aligns with your community's values, you ensure better engagement and greater success for your campaign. laundry detergent fundraiser delivers exactly that—an innovative way to support your cause with practical, high-quality products. It’s a fundraising solution your supporters will love.