Oh, how kids love fruit and vegetable baby purees! But how important is the first feeding with a new dish. So, your baby is already six months old, and it's time to start introducing new products, because mom's milk is clearly not enough for normal growth and development. Why, the baby just doesn't eat enough anymore.
And so you decided to organize the child's first complementary food. Try to do everything so that the baby is comfortable. Get a soft spoon so that God forbid not to damage the gums. Do not try to cram the puree by force if the baby diligently resists. Take a spoon, fill it with mashed potatoes (about a third of a spoon), bring it to the baby's mouth and wait until he opens his mouth. You can touch your lips a little. The first feedings with a new dish can take a long time. Be patient.
To guarantee the quality of baby purees, it is better to cook them yourself. It's not that difficult. Remember that children's fruit and vegetable purees are necessary for the child. They contain many trace elements, vitamins, minerals. Thanks to this complementary food, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work as it should. In European countries, mashed potatoes are introduced later than porridge, in our country - earlier. But, in any case, it should be given before semolina porridge - semolina is well absorbed, but can lead to excess weight.
At home, cooking children's vegetable puree will not take much time. The easiest way to make mashed carrots and pumpkins, which contain a lot of vitamin A, normalize the work of the intestines. However, both vegetables can cause allergies, so be careful. Pea and bean purees are useful, but they should be kept for up to 7 months, since the child may suffer from colic after eating. It is undesirable to give beans and peas without additives.
But in its pure form, cauliflower is useful, which contains important vitamin C and does not cause stomach problems. New purees are introduced slowly, according to the schedule, one new product every three days. This schedule allows you to control allergic reactions. If you have added several vegetables and have not detected an allergy, try to make a vegetable assortment.
Mashed potatoes are prepared simply. First, the vegetables are washed with a brush, then they are cooked unpeeled for 30 minutes, the water should cover even the top vegetables. Potatoes are left in water for several hours after cleaning and only then cooked. If you decide to put out the vegetables, then they are, of course, cleaned. Turn the vegetables into a fairly fine puree only with a knife will not work, grind them through a sieve or use a blender. https://doradobet.org/

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