The M2 SLAM can also be deployed in shallow water, so you can easily destroy boats and jet skis.
The FGM-172 SRAW rocket launcher is the most versatile and dangerous anti-tank weapon in your arsenal. Thanks to the wired guidance, while you are in the guidance mode, you can use it to destroy both ground vehicles and aircraft. Moreover, the driver or pilot of such a machine does not receive any notifications about the incoming missile until it is too late.
If equipped with an SRAW, you collide with a stationary enemy vehicle, fire one missile into the air, reload and fire again towards the vehicle. Then both missiles will reach the target if it does not change positions.
The FIM-92 Stinger can reach the target even if you exit the aiming mode. However, the SA-18 Igla needs to be constantly guided while keeping your eyes on the vehicle.
Do not fire guided missiles as soon as you see the target in the sights. Wait a few seconds - cowardly drivers and pilots often release missiles at the first sound of an enemy targeting alert. If they do, wait for the flashes to burn out, and then take a shot, and the enemy car will definitely be immobilized.
If your missile has been shot down by enemy missiles, start the aiming process immediately and shoot the other missile as soon as possible. If you are lucky, the player driving the vehicle will not be able to escape, and it is impossible to use the flashes again in such a narrow time interval.
Ammo packs and ammo crates left by support soldiers (both allies and enemies) also replenish gadgets (missiles, mines, bots), but this takes longer than ammo replenishment, so be patient.
Configure field updates according to the types of gadgets. The "Engineer" upgrade significantly speeds up the process of repairing vehicles, and the "Anti-Tank" one increases the amount of explosives that you can transport.
There is a limit to the rapid repair of vehicles, which is about 24 repairs (240 points). In addition, the Repair tool overheats, which further lengthens this process.
Carbines that can be unlocked by an engineer can be used by all classes. india cricket world cup

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