
Thanks for playing along!

  • Over 1100 visits here (still counting), another 100 on MySpace.
  • I fooled several seasoned heads and many people were not too sure.
  • Several reports of Tivo’s being set or people actually watching the show (so sorry!)Gotcha!  The Dead on American Idol - someone watched!
  • I also found a discussion on the Deadhook boards as to the possibility of it being real or an april fools…
  • Personally, it was my most successful prank ever! I feel so merry!

    Many accused me of Photoshopping. Not true! I use Adobe Fireworks.

    I faked Randy Jacksons tie-dyes. I don’t know if he has seen the Dead. He can likely get Shoreline tickets if he wanted them.

    American Idol judge Randy Jackson is a longtime Deadhead.

    American Idol judge Randy Jackson is a longtime Deadhead.

    Simon Cowell probably wouldn’t like any of it. Paula Abdul doesn’t slur.

    Many people realized that the picture of The Dead was from the Inaugural Ball.

    Phil Lesh and Bob Weir of The Dead tryout for American Idol

    Phil Lesh and Bob Weir of The Dead tryout for American Idol

    When else would Bobby be dressed that way? Phil on the other hand is wearing the same outfit he wore in the Foolish Heart video 18 years ago. I was going to cut them out and put them on the Idol stage, but the simpler solution was simply to drop the Idol logo behind them.

    I love Bob Weir and Phil Lesh’s singing, even when they sing Jerry Garcia’s parts. I am happy they do Jerry songs, it would be far weirder if they did not. Bobby does not sound like a cat with a hairball. I think it is more like a pterodactyl might sound like.

    Mickey Hart is awesome, and I love his work with music and reality.

    Bill Kruetzman could not be reached for comment before or after the show; still, I know he loves me, he told me so once.

    Not mentioned: Warren Haynes, Jeff Chimenti. Sorry guys, I’ll get you next time!

    They really were on The View. See it here: The Dead on The View

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