Read about his passing here: “Captain Beefheart dies at age 69” | Vist Frownland for Captain Beefheart music and stuff.
Here are a few cool Beefheart poster images, including a Rick Griffin masterpiece and a Rolling Stone cover, courtesy of Wolfgang’s Vault:
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Crawford Hall on 28 Oct 68:
Rick Griffin Poster
Oh, how we long for the warped Technicolor days of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band.
For an original art-rock ensemble, this Rick Griffin-designed concert poster promoting a 1968 show at Crawford Hall in Irvine, California is a perfect visual testament to the wondrous, whacked out world of the Captain. Griffin was arguably the most successful and best known poster artist of the psychedelic age, and emblazoned here on this concert poster are some signature Griffin images???a heart, wings, and an eyeball, cast in a surreal mold with pulsating colors of the rainbow, a befitting accompaniment for the maniacal music of this band.
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Poster from Avalon Ballroom on 26 Aug 66
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Poster from Avalon Ballroom on 26 Aug 66
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Poster from Armadillo World Headquarters on 10 May 74
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band Poster from Avalon Ballroom on 17 Jun 66:
14 3/16″ x 20″
Rolling Stone magazine. Captain Beefheart is not even here.
Of course, you can click these images and purchase them from Wolfgang’s Vault.
They are a bit steep already, but perhaps their value will increase?