Alex Jordan live on DHLTV!

Pre-order “The Subtle Exhibitionist” at:

Alex Jordan’s Tip Jar:
Venmo: http://venmo.com/ajjams42
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/alexjjordan1206

Kindly remember to use “Friends and Family” if using PayPal!
Stu Allen | Thursday May 7 2020 DHLTV
Stu Allen virtual tipjar:
Pete Sawyer Live with special guest Carrie Adler
Much love to everyone!
Venmo: @Peter-Sawyer-1
Paypal: https://paypal.me/brightshinemusic
Grahame Lesh is live on Deadheadland TV!
If you can, please take a moment to check out the
Terrapin Crossroads Staff Appreciation Fund: https://igg.me/at/txr-staff
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