China Cat Sunflower > Playing In The Band

An e-mail went out yesterday, to a select group of Terrapin Crossroads patrons, those of us who had purchased tickets the last two Backyard shows that had been cancelled (Working Man’s Dead and Festival Express tributes- I had tickets for both nights), and we were offered an opportunity to buy tickets to this show, which rapidly sold out, hence no larger Public announcement.

With only 36 tables of 2; and a skeleton staff on hand (yes, they dance), masks required, and stay within the square taped around your table… Terrapin put it together and gave us a show.

When we got to the lot, we were greeted by Terrapin Manager Christina, who let us know we had to wear a mask the entire time. If we were eating or drinking we could remove it but we were required to sit down then. If we stand to dance or move, we must wear it. We have to stay at our table and dance area, unless we are using the restroom or going to get a drink. These were the rules we had to follow, and they were reinforced with a flyer, and later by Phil.

We had food waiting at our table, in little to go boxes. This way there was minimal contact, and no servers. I lucked out and scored a table right on the side of the stage , as you can tell by my pictures and video.

Terrapin’s event coordinator, Nica, came by to let us know that special guests would be arriving, and that we would need to get up and move away from our table while they came through, so that they could safely make their way to the backstage area. I immediately realized that Phil would be the special guest, although I didn’t connect that he was going to play.

We did as asked and moved away for a few minutes, and Phil and his lovely wife Jill Lesh made their way to the backstage area. As we return to our table, we noticed Phil getting on the stage, and then his bass was all set up. And there were four mics… I guess we weren’t paying attention and we missed this detail when we first arrived.

The show was originally built as being Stu Allen, Grahame Lesh, and Jason Crosby. And I was more than happy to see and hear the three of them play. When I heard the first few notes of Phil’s bass, I got pretty emotional. It was just about a week before this whole thing started that we had last heard him play. When I realized how much this music resonates in my life, and it means so much to me, and how grateful I am for Phil, and all he brings.

After the first song, Phil gave us the rules, and said we’re going to have to follow them if we want to keep doing this. And don’t forget to vote! And then also asked us to give him some space when the show is done, so he could get back to his car without any bother.

I would do anything I could to protect Phil’s well being. Wouldn’t you?

The short but very sweet setlist…

Phil Lesh and Friends
Wednesday September 23 2020
Terrapin Crossroads Backyard
Beach Park, San Rafael California

Uncle John’s Band all
Mask rap pl
Eyes of the World sa
Jack Straw sa gl
Half Step Mississippi Uptown Toodleloo pl
China Cat Sunflower > sa
Playin in the Band all
Ripple all

Stu Allen 🎸, Jason Crosby 🎹, Grahame Lesh 🎸, Phil Lesh bass 🎸

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