MTV INTERVIEW: 1983 June 2nd – Jerry Garcia – Complete Interview – MTV Studios, NY

MTV INTERVIEW: 1983 June 2nd – Jerry Garcia – Complete Interview – MTV Studios, NY

From the Lolo Yodel Channel.

Apparently, this was recorded between the GD’s 05-15-1983 Greek Theater show and the upcoming 06-18-1983 show at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY.

00:41 : … TV preparations & chat, “Twilight Zone” …
01:24 : interview officialy starts
01:46 : difference b/w the GD and your solo JGB groups …
… differences b/w electric and acoustic guitars
05:38 : “my solo career started …” “… I would get horny to play …” !
07:00 : the GD “culture …?” (difference b/w licorice and buttermilk …)
10:40 : back to the 1950’s, initial guitar inspirations …
13:23 : moving up in time .. how did you meet ? (the Warlocks, GD …)
13:30 : “when I met Phil, he was a lunatic classical composer …”
16:08 : Pig Pen …
17:19 : The GD on vinyl …”difference between building a ship in the bottle and being on a row boat on the ocean” !
The GD experience, concerts, composing, improvising, new record, a video, the 80’s counter-culture …
(26:43 : slight cut)
27:24 : end of the “official” interview
27:26 : off-record … Jerry ! post-interview chat … (cut)
30:03 : end …


RARE DEAD VIDEO: Grateful Dead 5-11-69 Aztec Bowl San Diego CA “Morning Dew” 

Grateful Dead
Aztec Bowl
San Diego CA
“Morning Dew”


What I love about this track, is that Jerry is playing the hell out of it. I don’t know much about the show , yet.  But I do see the enthusiasm in his playing and find that very  exciting and inspirational .  It’s revelatory to see Jerry and the band  rocking it so hard.

Celebrate Jerry! Stella Blues Band with Melvin Seals, Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY,  August 7, 2016 (Setlist & Review) 

Celebrate Jerry! Stella Blues Band with Melvin Seals, Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY,  August 7, 2016 (Setlist & Review) 

Celebrate Jerry! 
Stella Blues Band
with Melvin Seals,
Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY

August 7, 2016 Portchester, NY

The popular group Stella Blues Band along with the amazing Melvin Seals performed a celebration of Jerry Garcia at the classic Capitol Theatre to a raucous crowd of dancing Deadheads this past Saturday night. Those in attendance all concurred that it was an amazing night evoking a range of emotions and everyone left with smiles and a post-show glow – truly a very special night!

Folks you do not want to miss seeing this stellar band.

Set 1:
Jack Straw
Hard To Handle
Harder They Come
That’s What Love Will Make You Do
Cats Under The Stars
How Sweet It Is
Promised Land
Second That Emotion

Set 2:
Scarlet Begonias >
Fire On The Mountain
Samson & Delilah
Mission In The Rain
Truckin >
Don’t Let Go >
Franklin’s Tower

Sisters And Brothers


Melvin Seals_Stella Blues






Compiled by Peter White @pawhite with special thanks to @sneakyjack and Ron Cohen for pics and setlist