Frozen glass is a problem for every car owner. Visibility is undoubtedly the most important aspect of driving for everyone. Someone tries to melt the cold glass with hot water (which, let's note, is categorically harmful and can lead to more serious car issues), and other compositions. Many are even promising damage to the car. How to overcome the winter attacks - in this material.
1) Frost protection liquid
At night, when the car "rests" but is most susceptible to frosts, treat the glass with a special liquid. You can buy or even make it with your own hands. You will need a bottle and a spray nozzle to create a sprayer. In there - slightly diluted vinegar, about three parts of vinegar liquid to one-third of water.
2) Special solutions.
So that you do not bother with the preparation of the magic potion in the morning, do not treat the glass with boiling water, etc. before working, you can take care in advance to purchase a special solution - it is best to buy such in an auto parts store. After application, you only need to wipe the surface with a dry rag. Then heating the car to melt the glass will not be necessary.
3) Regular cleaning.
If you treat the glass with de-icer regularly, it will not take up precious time in the morning, this liquid keeps a full vanguard defense against frost and ice accumulated on the glass. Regular cleaning of your windows followed by the application of de-icer will simplify the process dramatically. And if the glasses are still iced up, applying the solution will help clean the windows during the warm-up of the car and speed up the work.
Note also that it is strictly forbidden to melt the ice with hot water - as well as to pound on the glass out of indignation. Glass may crack and even break from temperature difference - we do not want to recommend you expensive windshield replacement.
Vinegar is an irreplaceable friend of a car enthusiast. The liquid produced on its basis with your own hands will save you from deicing problem, and also allows saving much on trips to store for loaded de-icers. You can also use vinegar in the summer, you can add it to the tank with the car washer fluid. Such a preventive strike will help to avoid contamination of the windshield, insects will stay away from the car. And if you are embarrassed, you can add fragrances. It's also a good idea to check your car's specs to see if your car has a windshield washer installed.

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